Osteopathic Medicine
Dr. Rosen specializes in traditional Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM), with a focus on Cranial and Biodynamic Osteopathy. Doctors of Osteopathy (DOs) are trained similarly to Allopathic Doctors (MDs), but are taught to view the body more holistically and integrate manipulation into their healing practice before prescribing drugs or suggesting surgery. Osteopathic treatment is a gentle manipulation that works to balance the body’s physiology, relieve restricted and compressed areas while integrating all the systems of the body to allow for healing.
This is accomplished by helping the musculoskeletal system move better, but also with improved nerve innervation, circulation, and lymphatic movement, causing the body’s healing potential to be optimized. When the physiologic functioning is improved, and the fluid nature of the body restored, the body is free to respond to its natural healing capacity.
Dr. Rosen is not “fixing” a problem, but helping to restore proper natural integration of the body’s innate healing wisdom into the tissue that has been compromised. At an appointment, after discussing the patient’s situation, an exam and treatment will begin. The treatment involves feeling both the position of the patient’s anatomy, but also how it is moving in a fluid, dynamic, subtle way. Dr. Rosen then synchronizes with the body to try to find a balance of the tissues working together, finding stillness for the strain pattern to release within, and for healthy integration of improved motion in the body. This is continuously monitored and refined as needed. Then, as other areas of the body respond, the treatment carries on until the whole is optimally balanced. This is a very subtle manipulation, but quite profound. It allows the body’s tissues to regain proper movement and function, giving momentum to the healing process that then integrates of the following days and weeks.
While a single treatment can be very helpful, typically follow-up appointments are necessary to reinforce these changes. This can vary depending on how mild or severe the problem is. Acute or mild problems can be healed in as little as three weekly appointments; more severe or chronic issues may take months. However, Dr. Rosen works to spread treatments out by weeks, or even months apart, as is tolerated to support long term healing and changing an underlying pathological pattern.
Osteopathy is also truly preventative. Many patients opt for regular appointments to help maintain their health and to optimize how their bodies function.
Infants, children, and adults, with various conditions, are treated with OMM. While there are many conditions which OMM can help, a few examples are:
concussion and traumatic brain injury
headaches and migraines
back and neck pain
nerve pain / neuropathy
birth trauma
difficulty nursing / latching
recurrent ear infections
cranial symptoms from dental trauma
mild anxiety and stress
concentration and learning difficulties