If you are a prospective patient interested in being seen by Dr. Rosen, please read through this website generally, and the following information about the practice.
Dr. Rosen has a general practice specializing in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, with an emphasis on Cranial Osteopathy and Biodynamic Osteopathy. He does not function as a Primary Care Physician.
Dr. Rosen is non-participating or out-of-network for all insurance companies, including Medicare, Medicaid, and No Fault insurance. Patients must pay for appointments, in full, either through online scheduling prior to the appointment, or at the time of service. Credit/Debit card (MC, Visa, AmEx, and Discover), check, and cash are acceptable forms of payment. An itemized and fully coded receipt, or superbill, will be provided following payment. This can be submitted to insurance for reimbursement if they allow for out-of-network physicians. It is also common to have an out-of-network annual deductible that may have to be met before the insurance company will reimburse for these services. Check your policy for this detail, as well.
For Medicare, Dr. Rosen is “opted out”, and typical Medicare will not reimburse for his services. It is possible that a supplemental or Advantage plan may reimburse, but you should contact your insurance company to confirm this. You will need to sign a Medicare Private Contact when you come for your first visit acknowledging that you understand that Medicare will not reimburse for the visit.
The first visit is a double appointment as more time is allotted for a complete medical history, a more complete initial exam, and the Osteopathic Treatment. The first visit is scheduled for one hour and twenty minutes. All follow-up appointments after the initial visit are scheduled for forty minutes. A treatment takes approximately thirty minutes, the additional time allotted for discussion and instruction.
Dr. Rosen advises setting up three weekly appointments initially, to hold if needed. It is common practice that three appointments is a good prognostic measure of if Osteopathic Treatment is the primary treatment needed, or if other care is required. Beyond three appointments, in severe cases, patients can continue to come in weekly as needed, or taper their appointments off as tolerate. Again, it is advised to assume a new patient should plan on coming in for three weekly appointments.
Dr. Rosen’s scheduling system sends text and email confirmations 48 hours prior to an appointment. There is a 24 hour cancellation policy: if you cancel in less than 24 hours, and the appointment does not get filled, you will be charged for the full cost of that canceled appointment.
When coming for your first appointment, bring any reports of relevant radiological studies (i.e. MRI, x-ray) and/or appropriate reports and tests.
While Dr. Rosen can treat a patient wearing any clothing, looser, more comfortable clothing is optimal.
Now that you have familiarized yourself with the practice’s procedures, if you have any further questions, or are interested in setting up an appointment with Dr. Rosen, contact the office. You can do this by contact email on the home page, or by calling 845.687.7589
Thank you for your interest in Osteopathy. We look forward to working with you and doing the best we can to help you heal and live optimally.